About the Project
On April 1st, ENERWA partnered with the Town of North East Mayor, Commissioners and Staff along with residents of North East Isles to remove trash and debris from the North East Preserve. Located at the corner of Route 7 and North East Isles Drive, the North East Preserve is owned by the town and plans are underway to design a nature area on this site of approximately 60 acres, bordered by Stony Run, North East River.
Working together, we removed 1,960 pounds of tires and 1,000 pounds of trash and debris before it entered the waterways. 2023 marks the second year of work on this area as part of the Alliance for the Bay’s Project Clean Stream, held each year in early April. Combined with 2022, we have removed a total of 4,000 pounds of tires and 2,500 pounds of trash and debris from this site!!